Monday, August 3, 2015

I Am Going To Try....

I am going to try something for the month of August. I am going to try and post a Blog every Thursday. I do not know if this is possible but I am going to definitely try. I am sure that no one really reads this (laffin, but totally okay with it) so I am going to just write about what is on my heart and running around my head... This should be very interesting...

Have an awesome day all!

Dueces \/

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What's Love Got to Do With It?

About 19 years ago in a chat room on a collegiate chat system called ISCA, I connected with a guy who became one of my best friends, one of my confidants and one of my sounding boards. He got me when others did not want to take the time. In a way he was safe. He was at Georgia Tech while I was at Georgia Southern (4 hours between us) but we could talk every day and we did.

Fast forward three years, I am graduating from Southern and he is making his mark in the engineering field. We still talk weekly and keep each other informed. He has met someone and is happy and I too am dating someone and am happy. We are aware of the connection that we have however it is a mute point as we are a such good friends.

Fast forward 13 years and Facebook and Twitter are connecting everyone and of course we are connected through social media. He is my friend on all the sites so we keep up with each other via the internet. He checks on me from time to time and I check on him from time to time. But we are both still in relationships.

Then in the year 2011 everything seems to change. My relationship is on its last leg and his marriage is not going well. In October of 2012 I ended my engagement and in 2013 his divorce was final. But we were still just amazing friends. And though the door was open for something to change we did not allow it to. He dated someone and I too started dating someone very seriously.

Enter 2014. We were both single and not looking so we flirted via Facebook and text but nothing came of it because of our friendship. Then the end of 2014 rolls around and something just seems right this time. He asks me if I am ready to take that journey with him and without hesitation (and I always hesitate) I say, "Yes". He tells me one day in December that he loves me and without hesitation I respond with " I love you too". And after taking a few steps back I had to asks myself... when did this happened? When did I fall IN LOVE with my best friend? It is not a new feeling, it was like a switch went off. He was there and everything felt right.  For those of you who know me, you know that I pray my way to and through things. And I asked God to show me if this is where I am supposed to be and is he who I am supposed to be with. God keeps sending me to him and him to me.

So the answer to the title of this blog... what's love got to do with it... apparently 19 years of preparation, friendship and love leads to friendship, happiness and even more love. So love has EVERYTHING to do with it and as I type this I can say that I am smiling because God has sent me the man he wants me to have. The one created just for me.

Ill keep you posted!

\/ Blogville